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Tag Archives | self employment

Vampire cupcakes

Bartering without the suck and without getting sucked dry

If you’ve been in business for more than a minute, you’ve had at least one conversation about bartering. It’s a festival of confusion and angst. Folks loathe the idea of giving their service in trade. At the same time, they love the idea of getting services from someone else in trade.  It’s definitely one of the […]

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What’s the best gift you can give yourself for the year ahead?

Strength & confidence from clarity of purpose & path. Take a moment to pause and think about that.  I know those words are so often bandied about these days that we tend to not really notice them or absorb the meaning of them. So, close your eyes and imagine with me. Imagine yourself standing on […]

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Find the idea

Is your business idea just out of reach?

I hear this all the time from would-be entrepreneurs: “How do I figure out what business I should start!?” For years, I’ve helped amazing people find the answer to this question. I taught them how to build a business they love that allows them to live a life they love. Until today, that kind of guidance […]

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The four essential elements of your right idea + a free download

When you put yourself out there as the right person for a job, the right people will always take notice. When I put myself out there as someone who can help build a life you love by building a business you love, I expected to have a few people sending me “can you help me start this business?” […]

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I LOOOOVE this !! This was my Fav !!

Why you probably avoid goal-setting and why you should do it anyway.

Goal-setting sucks! How the hell am I supposed to know what I want three years from now?! I don’t even know what the world will look like then! I hear these words so, so often from my wonderfully amazing and oh-so-talented clients. Ahh….the love.   And ya know what? They’re right. Kinda. Nope, you don’t […]

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