Do you remember when I told you how life balance is a big fat dangerous lie? Do you remember when I suggest we’d all be happier and less frantic and less ready to punch someone…anyone…if we strived instead to live well-blended life? Well, today, I’m reading this awesome, amazing book called Evil Plans: Having Fun […]
Tag Archives | Parenting

The one where the super hero kicks the drama queen’s ass
On with the previously scheduled programming… Enough with this bull shit guilt! You have upended your entire life so you can spend more time being a hands-on parent to your kids. You did all of this…took all of this risk for the most amazing reward: So you could have a life you love while you’re […]

How I’m breaking out of the bubble bursting business
It was 2006, and it was a day like any other. A proud, beautiful woman walked into the Women’s Business Center to bare her soul and ask me for advice. She’d been through hell and was looking for a path back. Her story unfolded in front of me as tears came to her eyes…and to […]

This little bit of evil word play will shake you to your core
Do you know the difference between a want and a need? I’m sure you do. We’ve all heard our mom’s voice come out of our own mouth at one point, right? Like when you correct the kid who just said she neeeeeds the newest iPod or that new video game or to go to the […]

How entrepreneurs are like zombies & 3 year olds
Three-year old zombies Hello, my name is Larah and I’m obsessed with zombies. Needless to say, I’ve watch my fair share of zombie movies. I’ve always suspected that parts of the zombie culture have oozed into other parts of my life. That suspicion was confirmed on Saturday when one of my 3 year old twins […]