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Tag Archives | non-conformity


On turning 40, coming out & savoring life on the periphery

Today I turned 40. I’ve heard women say time and again that after 40 you just stop caring what other people think of you and live your life. The thing is, I’ve always had a pretty wide and visible streak of ‘who gives a fuck’ when it comes to other people’s opinions of my life and how I […]

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A gift for those with the courage to stand apart

If you live in the USA, today is Memorial Day. This is a day set aside to honor all of the brave men and women who have fought to protect & preserve American ideals. Today is a day to set aside our political leanings and opinions about which wars we should or shouldn’t be involved […]

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Evolution - The Ride

The Life Cycle for Revolutionaries. How your business evolves and why you don’t suck.

You want a different life. You want to live in a world of your own design. You and your business are both evolving. All the time. Always. In every way. This r-evolution happens in cycles.  The only way to not live within this cycle is to sit still and never change. But that’s not you. […]

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Darwin / Soda and Pet Food City

Why the future belongs to the freaks…like you.

Two weeks ago, I launched the Big Idea Machine.  Then, I stopped. I didn’t stop because I don’t want you to have the Big Idea Machine (because I really, really do want you to have it).  No, I stopped because I had an epiphany. This wasn’t your run-of-the-mill epiphany, either. It came to me under fire […]

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Smiley middle finger

How I feel about it…

On occasion, I have stuff to say that doesn’t require a lot of explanation. And, sometimes, I miss being a graphic designer.  This is what happens when those occasions converge. Please feel free to comment, share, pin and enjoy!   XOXO ~ Larah

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