I hear this all the time from would-be entrepreneurs: “How do I figure out what business I should start!?” For years, I’ve helped amazing people find the answer to this question. I taught them how to build a business they love that allows them to live a life they love. Until today, that kind of guidance […]
Tag Archives | mompreneur

The four essential elements of your right idea + a free download
When you put yourself out there as the right person for a job, the right people will always take notice. When I put myself out there as someone who can help build a life you love by building a business you love, I expected to have a few people sending me “can you help me start this business?” […]

Why you probably avoid goal-setting and why you should do it anyway.
Goal-setting sucks! How the hell am I supposed to know what I want three years from now?! I don’t even know what the world will look like then! I hear these words so, so often from my wonderfully amazing and oh-so-talented clients. Ahh….the love. And ya know what? They’re right. Kinda. Nope, you don’t […]

The Life Cycle for Revolutionaries. How your business evolves and why you don’t suck.
You want a different life. You want to live in a world of your own design. You and your business are both evolving. All the time. Always. In every way. This r-evolution happens in cycles. The only way to not live within this cycle is to sit still and never change. But that’s not you. […]

Why the future belongs to the freaks…like you.
Two weeks ago, I launched the Big Idea Machine. Then, I stopped. I didn’t stop because I don’t want you to have the Big Idea Machine (because I really, really do want you to have it). No, I stopped because I had an epiphany. This wasn’t your run-of-the-mill epiphany, either. It came to me under fire […]