When you put yourself out there as the right person for a job, the right people will always take notice. When I put myself out there as someone who can help build a life you love by building a business you love, I expected to have a few people sending me “can you help me start this business?” […]
Tag Archives | Entrepreneur

The Life Cycle for Revolutionaries. How your business evolves and why you don’t suck.
You want a different life. You want to live in a world of your own design. You and your business are both evolving. All the time. Always. In every way. This r-evolution happens in cycles. The only way to not live within this cycle is to sit still and never change. But that’s not you. […]

Why the future belongs to the freaks…like you.
Two weeks ago, I launched the Big Idea Machine. Then, I stopped. I didn’t stop because I don’t want you to have the Big Idea Machine (because I really, really do want you to have it). No, I stopped because I had an epiphany. This wasn’t your run-of-the-mill epiphany, either. It came to me under fire […]

How I feel about it…
On occasion, I have stuff to say that doesn’t require a lot of explanation. And, sometimes, I miss being a graphic designer. This is what happens when those occasions converge. Please feel free to comment, share, pin and enjoy! XOXO ~ Larah

Turn your love for dogs into a life you love. A dozen dog business ideas with resources to get you thinking.
Last month, we rescued a puppy. It was not the smart thing to do. We have the world’s most awesome dog already. And at 18 months, Olive is still a puppy herself. We also have two girls that just turned five. We’re remodeling the home we live in, and we’re still getting acclimated to a […]