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Balance is BS. Life is a margarita.

You’re not going to like this, but here it is:

If you’ve spent any portion of your life searching for balance, you’ve wasted your time.

So, stop it.


Balance is a lie and you’ll never find it.

Not only that. But, in the search for it, you’ll feel guilt, heartache and hopelessness.

Really think about it. Every single day, when you’re faced with a decision about balance, you mentally put a percentage-importance on your time making money to pay the bills, time teaching your oldest how to drive, time you spend at the gym staying healthy, time fingerpainting with the little ones, time having a few drinks with friends, and the list goes on and on.  When you choose to spend this minute on one thing, you’ve sacrificed everything else on your list to do so.

You’ve put each piece of your life on a scale and something won out over everything else. Of course, it doesn’t really mean that.  But that’s what it feels like.  And, that’s what matters. Heartache, guilt, hopelessness are soon to follow.

Please stop setting yourself up for failure.  This is a big thing to fail.   We’re talking about life fulfillment, the happiness of your children, the survivability of your marriage, your idea of a successful life and the hopeful, eventual lack of  ‘druthers at the end of it all.  Yeah. Maybe we need a better plan.

My better plan is Margaritas. My life is well-blended.

Lots of tequila, all by itself will kill you…or make you wish you were dead for a little while.  Sweet & sour, on its own, isn’t very good at all.  Lime juice,  Triple Sec & lemons are generally alright in small doses. Ice is useful and versatile, but nothing special alone.  Salt is only meant to be complimentary to other flavors.  But, if you put all of these things together, magic happens.  They all take on a new flavor that is way yummier than any of its individual parts.

And such is life.

Stop talking about all the hats you wear. Stop thinking of yourself as leading 3, 5, 10 or 20 different lives. Your life is not a shelf-ful of useful ingredients. Your life is a margarita.  A tasty, complex blend that is sweeter, better and more satisfying than any one of the sour parts.

In my next post, “The alternative to life balance is pure awesomeness”, I tell you more about my decision to get blended and how I’m doing it.

For now, let’s keep the conversation going in the comments.  Let me know:

How have you struggled with the whole concept of life balance?

How do you (or how do you plan to) blend your life?

This post has been in my head for months, but today I’m finally actually inspired to write it after reading Rachael’s “There is No Separation” post on The Caffeinated Elf.  Thank you, Rachael!

If this is your kind of thing, please subscribe, like or follow.  There’s a lot more stuff like this inside me.  Oh, and you’re probably not the only one who’d like it…so share it or retweet!

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5 Responses to Balance is BS. Life is a margarita.

  1. Diane October 26, 2010 at 8:36 pm #

    Laura! Love it! Great analogy! We’d all be better off looking at life this way and yummm! Margaritas….. (do I get chips and guac with that?) 😉

  2. Laura October 26, 2010 at 9:12 pm #

    Thanks Diane! And yes, please pass the guacamole!!

  3. LaVonne Boyd May 10, 2011 at 9:25 am #

    Just delightful, I just returned from Mexico so this was perfect for me. I quit trying to BALANCE anything a long time ago but this metaphor was perfect.
    Cheers, LaVonne


  1. Tweets that mention Balance is BS. Life is a margarita. « Laura White-Ritchie -- - October 26, 2010

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Laura White-Ritchie, Laura White-Ritchie. Laura White-Ritchie said: Balance is BS. Life is a margarita. Balance is a lie. […]

  2. The alternative to life-balance is pure awesomeness « Laura White-Ritchie - October 27, 2010

    […] Balance is BS. Life is a margarita. […]

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