Last month, we rescued a puppy. It was not the smart thing to do. We have the world’s most awesome dog already. And at 18 months, Olive is still a puppy herself. We also have two girls that just turned five. We’re remodeling the home we live in, and we’re still getting acclimated to a […]
Tag Archives | starting a business

Turn your love for dogs into a life you love. A dozen dog business ideas with resources to get you thinking.

They helped each other build foundations for the future.
Something incredible happened here at the end of January. I’ve been dying to tell you all about it ever since. Then a whole lot of life happened… including a new puppy, sick kids, a little bit of extensive home remodeling and some creative juicing while I developed a brand new business ideation series for you awesome people. Now that things […]

Acts of volition and a cup of ambition
There’s a better life. And you think about it, don’t you? They let you dream just a’ watch ‘em shatter You’re just a step on the boss man’s ladder But you got dreams they’ll never take away In the same boat with a lot of your friends Waitin’ for the day your ship’ll come in […]

Seven home-based food business ideas you probably haven’t considered yet
You are a fantastic cook. Lovingly prepared food makes you all warm inside. You love hearing people ooh and ahh over your creations. You live for the quest for the perfect ingredient and the best recipe. Your kitchen is your sanctuary. Just for you, I’ve describe seven different ways you can earn an income while […]

Your Not-a-Business-Plan “Plan” for your Business
The good news: If you’re starting a business with your own green, you don’t need a fancy schmanzy business plan. The bad other news: I know you’re a rebel & a non-conformist, but if you want this thing to happen, you still need a freakin’ plan! What you should know about business plans In Part […]