When you put yourself out there as the right person for a job, the right people will always take notice. When I put myself out there as someone who can help build a life you love by building a business you love, I expected to have a few people sending me “can you help me start this business?” […]
Tag Archives | life balance

Why the future belongs to the freaks…like you.
Two weeks ago, I launched the Big Idea Machine. Then, I stopped. I didn’t stop because I don’t want you to have the Big Idea Machine (because I really, really do want you to have it). No, I stopped because I had an epiphany. This wasn’t your run-of-the-mill epiphany, either. It came to me under fire […]

How to be self-employed without living invoice-to-invoice. Plus a rate setting primer.
Yesterday, a BrainyFeet reader disagreed with me in the comments. I’ll give you a minute to recover from the shock. What!? You’re not shocked? Hmm…neither was I really. Here’s what happened: Yesterday’s post listed 6 big, business killing mistakes I really hope you don’t make, in which is introduced the idea that Unsustainable: The trap of […]

May the world fade away
Do you remember when I told you how life balance is a big fat dangerous lie? Do you remember when I suggest we’d all be happier and less frantic and less ready to punch someone…anyone…if we strived instead to live well-blended life? Well, today, I’m reading this awesome, amazing book called Evil Plans: Having Fun […]

How I found my heart through radical change and transformation
Or, the story of why I cut my hair, changed my name and moved clear across the country. If you’re uncomfortable where you are, move. I’ve spewed those genuine words of wisdom at clients and colleagues and friends for years. Always with a lump in my throat. Always with a guilt chaser. Because I was […]