Today I turned 40. I’ve heard women say time and again that after 40 you just stop caring what other people think of you and live your life. The thing is, I’ve always had a pretty wide and visible streak of ‘who gives a fuck’ when it comes to other people’s opinions of my life and how I […]
Tag Archives | homeschooling

May the world fade away
Do you remember when I told you how life balance is a big fat dangerous lie? Do you remember when I suggest we’d all be happier and less frantic and less ready to punch someone…anyone…if we strived instead to live well-blended life? Well, today, I’m reading this awesome, amazing book called Evil Plans: Having Fun […]

What your kids know about life that you forgot
Fearlessness. Uninhibited curiosity. An unquenchable thirst for adventure. Kids are magical creatures with an unimaginable capacity to adapt and learn from the world around them. Kids see the world through a lens of possibility. When confronted with a risk vs reward scenario, adults spend a lot of time detailing and categorizing all of the risks. Kids […]

Our refusal to accept anything less
A few weeks ago, I posted a bit of a temper tantrum. This is my apology. That was not my best day. Yeah, yeah, it was honest and authentic and we all have days like that. But this is a new blog and we’re just getting to know each other and that rant isn’t really […]

Why you should launch your business like a family fishing trip
You’ve come up with a fan-tabulous, fail-proof idea for a new business. Great! Now what? What are you supposed to do next? Umm….yeah. That’s right where most great ideas stop. And that’s a shame. A terrible, horrible, awful, injustice to the world kind of shame. It’s not surprising though. [Hold on a sec while I […]