Holy squeee!!!! You just made a the cutest fricken’ cake on the planet! Seriously, you can stop looking at it. It’s so insanely adorable. And you know it’s going to taste great because you used your grandma’s world-famous devil’s food recipe. Mmmm…you’ve got a fresh cup of coffee ready & you can’t wait to chow […]
Tag Archives | Entrepreneur

Avoiding the quicksand & other analogies for dreamers
Sometimes, I get so excited about all of the big things I’m planning to do that I don’t actually do the little things that’ll get me there. I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one that does this There are a thousand of reasons why we don’t just get up and start walking toward our goal. […]

The one where the super hero kicks the drama queen’s ass
On with the previously scheduled programming… Enough with this bull shit guilt! You have upended your entire life so you can spend more time being a hands-on parent to your kids. You did all of this…took all of this risk for the most amazing reward: So you could have a life you love while you’re […]

How I’m breaking out of the bubble bursting business
It was 2006, and it was a day like any other. A proud, beautiful woman walked into the Women’s Business Center to bare her soul and ask me for advice. She’d been through hell and was looking for a path back. Her story unfolded in front of me as tears came to her eyes…and to […]

9 things roller derby has taught me about entrepreneurship
Today is Saturday and tonight is Bout Night! For those of you that don’t know, I used to skate with the Rage City Rollergirls. That was two years ago…and despite being semi-permanently benched… I’m still a derby fangirl, a derby sponsor and a lifelong sister to my derby teammates. Tonight, I get to go cheer […]