Something incredible happened here at the end of January. I’ve been dying to tell you all about it ever since. Then a whole lot of life happened… including a new puppy, sick kids, a little bit of extensive home remodeling and some creative juicing while I developed a brand new business ideation series for you awesome people. Now that things […]
Tag Archives | Entrepreneur

How to be self-employed without living invoice-to-invoice. Plus a rate setting primer.
Yesterday, a BrainyFeet reader disagreed with me in the comments. I’ll give you a minute to recover from the shock. What!? You’re not shocked? Hmm…neither was I really. Here’s what happened: Yesterday’s post listed 6 big, business killing mistakes I really hope you don’t make, in which is introduced the idea that Unsustainable: The trap of […]

Protect yourself against these six common reasons micro-businesses fail
If you’ve ever told anyone about your plans to go into business for yourself, it’s a pretty safe bet someone has replied, in no uncertain terms, that you’re doomed to failure. Then you nod and smile and keep walking your path. As well you should. The problem is, the doomsdayers aren’t all wrong. Self-employed, freelancers and […]

May the world fade away
Do you remember when I told you how life balance is a big fat dangerous lie? Do you remember when I suggest we’d all be happier and less frantic and less ready to punch someone…anyone…if we strived instead to live well-blended life? Well, today, I’m reading this awesome, amazing book called Evil Plans: Having Fun […]

The Artists & the Crickets. An illustrated cautionary tale about friendship & marketing.
Once upon a time, a small group of artists found each other in the void. Little did they know that their adventures would someday become a cautionary tale for marketers everywhere. When they met, it was kismet. Finally they had proof that other people like them existed on the planet. People that just “get it.” […]