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The road travelled

Life Launching. Savoring 2011 in the rearview window.

Looking back while going forward

On November 15, 2010, BrainyFeet was born.

I started this site with a deep seated personal mission (more about that in a minute), but the recurring theme for 2011 seems to be “metamorphosis”…for me and for BrainyFeet.

Over the last year, I’ve written a few favorite posts here, here and here. I  released a manifesto..of sorts called the Big Picture Book.  My work with clients has allowed me to meet some of the most amazing, strong and talented women (and even a few men).

I spent the summer traveling to some of the most remote regions of Alaska, teaching Native Alaskan villagers how to get their business ideas off the ground. I had way too much fun doing speaking gigs in 2011 with an Ignite presentation and over 20 workshops & seminars. And my words were even featured around the internet here and there too.

I was featured in MOM, Incorporated, a book that helps moms learn (from moms who are doing it) how to take charge of life by starting their own businesses. The book was written by the amazing Aliza Sherman and Danielle Smith and released this fall. How freakin’ cool is that?!

If I could pick a secondary theme for 2011, it would absolutely have to be “community”

The people I’ve met and have supported and have been supported by this year have played a such a huge role in the Great Transformation of 2011.
Lavonne Ellis’ CustomerLove  community reminded me that compassionate capitalism really can change the world.

The Mom Entrepreneur’s Support Group  introduced me to strong, savvy business women who also happen to be great moms.

I also recently joined the community at Entrepreneurial Moms International. They’ve been so warm and welcoming that I’m planning some exciting things for 2012 with Carla Young at EMI’s MOMeo Magazine.

Hands down one of my best decisions of 2011 was to join Miss Rhiannon Llewellyn’s Brand Harmony Studio.  If you’re like me, you’re probably thinking “Isn’t everyone who joins an online community just looking for customers? You can’t really connect with a bunch of faceless people who don’t really know anything about you and probably don’t want to.”…or something like that.

I would have agreed with you once upon a time. And I would have been wrong.  Since joining the Brand Harmony Community, my understanding of the level of connection you can have with “faceless” people has completely transformed.  We’re there for each other. Really there. We bounce ideas off each other, give & get technical advice, co-commiserate when things go wrong or our health betrays us.

We keep an on-going dialog in Skype. It’s better-than-a-water-cooler. Whenever you need to share something funny, get feedback on something, lament about a crappy day or just get your mind off the task at hand…someone is there. These people are my coworkers and they are my friends.  Thank you Rhi for bringing us together!

Then I went to Lift Off with Pam Slim and Charlie Gilkey

…and everything changed.

The Lift Off Retreat is organized and presented by Pam Slim, Charlie Gilkey & Angela Wheeler. They are all insanely awesome. But that’s not why you go to Lift Off.

You go because you want to take your business to a new level.

I went because I needed clarity. I’m an opinionated, multi-passionate mom with an MBA who drinks and swears. I have a vision of what the world should (okay, could…see? I’m getting better!) look like, and I bust at the seams with excitement at the possibility of that ideal world becoming a reality. I’m also trying to run a business here. And those two realities don’t always play well together.  So, I went to Lift Off.

On the evening before my last day at the retreat, I was sitting in bed reviewing my notes from the last two days…as confused and confuddled as ever.  Then, something clicked. I can’t even remember what it was, but the fog just lifted.

Everything made sense. My mixed up passions and life missions started to separate into their own categories. I felt 50 pounds lighter. (Oddly, my jeans still fit the next morning.)  I was up all night and by morning I was able to completely refocus my business.

I know now BrainyFeet exists to give you what you need to have the life you want.

I realized:

I created this business to support your pursuit of entrepreneurship as the foundation for a joyful, self-determined life.

What you want is simple: You want to build a business that supports your ideal life. You want to be self-made.

I’m here to teach you how to do that…whether you call yourself a freelancer, solopreneur, self-employed, a mom & pop shop, a lifestyle business, professional service provider or a grassroots non-profit.

I’m still a champion for self-directed, home-based, parent supported education. I’m still a passionate advocate for DIY families (parents who are home employed & homeschooling).

I know those passions will color my perspectives, but for the most part from now on I’ll be exploring  those passions on websites outside of BrainyFeet.

What happened after LiftOff was even more incredible.

The Lift Off family is so incredibly supportive and talented and welcoming and just freakin’ wholly amazing in ways I can’t even begin to describe here.  Everyone who’s ever been to a LiftOff  Retreat (there have been four so far) is a part of this wonderful family.

I consider myself so insanely lucky to have the counsel and shoulders of these people. And to know they have my back.  These incredible people are each changing the world in their own incredible ways.  You’d probably recognize many of their names – I won’t drop here  but you can see who some of them are on the Lift Off website.

If you’re considering applying for a Lift Off Retreat, don’t wait! There will only be two more of them…at the most 30 more people. Charlie & Pam have announced that after the two retreats in 2012, they’re done.  Go to the Lift Off registration page  to get your application process underway. Or contact Charlie or Pam or Angela to let them know you’re interested.

But my year doesn’t end there!

In the fall of 2011, my daughter left home to move into the college dorms! Then she turned 18!!!

My son turned 21 in August and then he up and moved to a whole other state all on his own!!

They’re  both so boldly making their own paths through this world and that makes me so over-the-top proud of them.

Then in October, I jumped in the truck with my husband and the 4 year olds as we embarked on our insanely personal journey.

Now it’s December.

A time for reflecting & planning & cherishing & renewing…and for gearing up.

Because if you think 2011 was something,

                                2012 is going to knock your socks off!

One Response to Life Launching. Savoring 2011 in the rearview window.

  1. Rhiannon December 13, 2011 at 11:08 am #

    Ah, darling Larah. I’m so happy to have you in my life! 🙂

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