If you’ve been in business for more than a minute, you’ve had at least one conversation about bartering. It’s a festival of confusion and angst. Folks loathe the idea of giving their service in trade. At the same time, they love the idea of getting services from someone else in trade. It’s definitely one of the […]
The Blog by Larah Ritchie

Let’s change education forever! No, really, for ever & for everyone.
Our education system is a obsolete. It was designed for a world that’s radically different from the world we live in today. We now know infinitely more about how, when and why people….all people of all ages…actually learn. We now live in an age where the entirety of human knowledge is available at our fingertips. […]

On turning 40, coming out & savoring life on the periphery
Today I turned 40. I’ve heard women say time and again that after 40 you just stop caring what other people think of you and live your life. The thing is, I’ve always had a pretty wide and visible streak of ‘who gives a fuck’ when it comes to other people’s opinions of my life and how I […]

Are you building your life’s work on a solid foundation?
These are wishing rocks. The tradition says you can make a wish for each rock you’re able to successfully stack. Look at all of the wishes and take a moment to think about the people who placed them here. Think about their stories, the paths that brought them here and their incredible openness to possibility. You […]

The hard truth about holiday buffets, portion control and not hating yourself in the morning
Welcome to the season for grossly overestimating our own abilities…in more ways than one. How can you survive the next few months with your dignity and determination intact? I’ll tell you. First, let me set a bit of a scene You’re 9 years old. You’re standing in front of a holiday buffet table loaded with nothing but […]