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Acts of volition and a cup of ambition

There’s a better life. And you think about it, don’t you?

They let you dream just a’ watch ‘em shatter
You’re just a step on the boss man’s ladder
But you got dreams they’ll never take away

In the same boat with a lot of your friends
Waitin’ for the day your ship’ll come in
And the tide’s gonna turn, and it’s all gonna roll your way

Yes, I’m quoting Dolly. She’s one smart, moxie-filled cookie. Which is why she’s the perfect introduction to my preview of what’s to come in 2012.

In 2012, your tide’s gonna turn.

I know the song’s already in your head now. So, you might as well listen to it while you read on.  Here she is in all her glory + Disney characters. For real. Click play and read on.

Volition is defined as the act of making a conscious choice.

If you’ve been sheepishly considering starting trying to make money with that “thing” you love to do and do so well, this is the year you will do it.

If you’ve been tinkering with your idea, trying to turn it into a business and wondering why it just isn’t getting traction, this is the year you will make it happen.

If you’ve been running your own business for a little while, but things just aren’t growing they way they could be or your heart just isn’t in it anymore, this is the year you will correct your course.

This isn’t about New Year’s Resolutions

No, I stopped making those years ago. I do make a list of intentions for the new year.  Volitions.

Things I’ve decided to do or feel or experience in the coming year. I call them intentions because there’s no pressure to actually do any of them. Life happens, plans & priorities change.

But I’ve found that when you make a volition…when the decision is made…it’s real. When it’s real, the smallest choices & tiniest decisions get you closer & closer to it.

There’s no magic here.  Think of sand in a river bed. Everything naturally settles where it fits. Once your intention becomes a volition, your actions will naturally settle in that direction…where they fit.

But I digress

This is supposed to be about how I’m going to help you get where you want to be in 2012.

Mid-Year Update: This post is about how the tides were going to turn in 2012. Oh boy! My cup of ambition ran over and spilled right into a sea of epiphanies!

The spine-tingly success of the first few SMBA events led to 1001 epiphanies that eventually resulted to the creation of and every thing you see here.

My cup has done some serious running over and I’m so, so happy you’re here to share it with me.

The Self-Made Business Academy is happening in a big, big way.

Well, six ways actually.

The SMBA Three-Day Build

You’ll have no more excuses about time when you can go from idea to implementation plan in three days. Throughout the year, I will be hosting several LIVE Three-Day Build business planning & design retreats. Six of these will be virtual events and there will be 3 or 4 in-person events in cities to be announced.

Registration is open now for the next SMBA Three-Day Build.  Click here to read all about this incredible event!

The SMBA Private Small-Group Workshop

Did you hear what Dolly just said?  “You’re in the same boat with a lot of your friends.”  That’s so true! You know it’s easier to lose weight with a gym buddy, and it’s also easier to grow your business with a launch buddy.

If you’ve gathered a small group of 3 to 7 friends, fellow community members or coworkers trying to escape,  we can work together & support each other with your very own, private, online or in person Self-Made Business Academy event.

The Self-Guided SMBA

Beginning this Spring, you’ll be able to purchase the entire SMBA course.  This isn’t just another ebook. No, this is a physical product to be delivered to you in a 3-ring binder chocked full of how tos, why fors and worksheets plus a whole mess of fun & functional supplies to turn your biz planning experience into an energizing, soul-feeding party.

The SMBA Ala Carte Menu

So, here’s the thing: Not everyone is ready to bite off a whole entire business plan at once. If you’re just feeling tiptoe-y about your business idea or you just need to know how to create a zero budget marketing strategy or you’re finally willing to take a real look at the numbers…you’ll be able to download each SMBA module individually. Bite sized business building served up just for you.

The SMBA for Kids

Entrepreneurial parents beget entrepreneurial kids. And the world today is a gigantic chocolate fudge sundae of opportunity them. Their curiosity is innate. They’re boundaryless and limitless and fearless. Wouldn’t it be life-alteringly awesome if they could stay that way?

SMBA for Kids will give them a framework for turning their fantastical ideas into money-making ventures and world-changing organizations. Watching their ideas become real will give them superpowers to take into adulthood.

The program is a physical product that’ll come addressed to your child, perfectly packed with business savvy whether you want to encourage your kids to be literal entrepreneurs or to be entrepreneurs of their own lives. Coming in Summer 2012.

The SMBA Incubator

A business incubator helps  businesses survive & grow during the start-up period when they’re the most vulnerable.  There are incubators all over the place for high-growth companies…the kind of company that’s looking for venture capital or hoping to someday IPO.

But whats out there for you?  You don’t need venture capital and you never really even want to know what IPO stands for. You just want to start a business that nourishes your soul while it feeds your family.

That’s what the Self-Made Business Academy is all about. And with my SMBA Incubator program, you’ll get it all…on whatever time table you choose. You’ll get clarity, creativity and calm because I’ll be there with you every step of the way. Incubation will include the SMBA framework, one-on-one private instruction, monthly check-in calls, unlimited email support plus six months of feedback, follow-up, revamping, hand-holding and shoulder-sharing.

The SMBA Incubator program will be available in late Spring. But if you want this kind of personal attention earlier than that, just drop me an email and let me know. I’m sure we can figure something out.

Six ways to make sure your ship comes in

There they are. My six acts of volition. My six promises to you.

Six ways for you to make this happen in 2012. Whatever your learning style. Whatever your stage of start up. Whatever your budget. Whatever your age.  You can jump in and get moving.

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4 Responses to Acts of volition and a cup of ambition

  1. Kim Noeth December 12, 2011 at 10:11 pm #

    You’re back! Hope the move went well and excited to have you part of everyone’s lives again!! Looking forward to some new Volitions!

  2. Kim Noeth December 12, 2011 at 10:12 pm #

    So glad you are back and can’t wait to see and make some New Years Volition’s!! Hope the move went well…


  1. Life Launching. Savoring 2011 in the rearview window. | BrainyFeet - December 12, 2011

    […]                                 2012 is going to knock your socks off! […]

  2. How entrepreneurs are like zombies & 3 year olds | BrainyFeet - January 13, 2012

    […] Self-Made Business Academy is more than […]

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