Do you remember when I told you how life balance is a big fat dangerous lie? Do you remember when I suggest we’d all be happier and less frantic and less ready to punch someone…anyone…if we strived instead to live well-blended life? Well, today, I’m reading this awesome, amazing book called Evil Plans: Having Fun […]
Tag Archives | non-conformity

How I found my heart through radical change and transformation
Or, the story of why I cut my hair, changed my name and moved clear across the country. If you’re uncomfortable where you are, move. I’ve spewed those genuine words of wisdom at clients and colleagues and friends for years. Always with a lump in my throat. Always with a guilt chaser. Because I was […]

Your Not-a-Business-Plan “Plan” for your Business
The good news: If you’re starting a business with your own green, you don’t need a fancy schmanzy business plan. The bad other news: I know you’re a rebel & a non-conformist, but if you want this thing to happen, you still need a freakin’ plan! What you should know about business plans In Part […]

Are you condemning the future to death so it can match the past?
For best results, listen to this song before reading or while reading this post. aimee mann – AimeeMann-MomentumPowered by You can’t see what lies ahead if you only look behind. I feel little like I’m stuck in the movie, Groundhog Day. I keep having this same conversation…during coaching calls, in forums, in mastermind groups, […]

Ahh, Puppies + Epiphanies = Pupiphanies
Last fall, we welcomed Olive into our home & our hearts. She came to live with us in September when she was about 7 weeks old. Then the snow fell. Lots and lots of snow…and ice…and wind to polish the ice. All winter, Olive has been either cozily inside our house or happily frolicking in […]