The good news: If you’re starting a business with your own green, you don’t need a fancy schmanzy business plan. The bad other news: I know you’re a rebel & a non-conformist, but if you want this thing to happen, you still need a freakin’ plan! What you should know about business plans In Part […]
Tag Archives | mompreneur

Can you really have a business plan without writing a…um…business plan?
Holy squeee!!!! You just made a the cutest fricken’ cake on the planet! Seriously, you can stop looking at it. It’s so insanely adorable. And you know it’s going to taste great because you used your grandma’s world-famous devil’s food recipe. Mmmm…you’ve got a fresh cup of coffee ready & you can’t wait to chow […]

Why you should launch your business like a family fishing trip
You’ve come up with a fan-tabulous, fail-proof idea for a new business. Great! Now what? What are you supposed to do next? Umm….yeah. That’s right where most great ideas stop. And that’s a shame. A terrible, horrible, awful, injustice to the world kind of shame. It’s not surprising though. [Hold on a sec while I […]