If you’ve ever told anyone about your plans to go into business for yourself, it’s a pretty safe bet someone has replied, in no uncertain terms, that you’re doomed to failure. Then you nod and smile and keep walking your path. As well you should. The problem is, the doomsdayers aren’t all wrong. Self-employed, freelancers and […]
Tag Archives | how to start a business

Acts of volition and a cup of ambition
There’s a better life. And you think about it, don’t you? They let you dream just a’ watch ‘em shatter You’re just a step on the boss man’s ladder But you got dreams they’ll never take away In the same boat with a lot of your friends Waitin’ for the day your ship’ll come in […]

Your Not-a-Business-Plan “Plan” for your Business
The good news: If you’re starting a business with your own green, you don’t need a fancy schmanzy business plan. The bad other news: I know you’re a rebel & a non-conformist, but if you want this thing to happen, you still need a freakin’ plan! What you should know about business plans In Part […]

Can you really have a business plan without writing a…um…business plan?
Holy squeee!!!! You just made a the cutest fricken’ cake on the planet! Seriously, you can stop looking at it. It’s so insanely adorable. And you know it’s going to taste great because you used your grandma’s world-famous devil’s food recipe. Mmmm…you’ve got a fresh cup of coffee ready & you can’t wait to chow […]

How I’m breaking out of the bubble bursting business
It was 2006, and it was a day like any other. A proud, beautiful woman walked into the Women’s Business Center to bare her soul and ask me for advice. She’d been through hell and was looking for a path back. Her story unfolded in front of me as tears came to her eyes…and to […]