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Tag Archives | Business

Vampire cupcakes

Bartering without the suck and without getting sucked dry

If you’ve been in business for more than a minute, you’ve had at least one conversation about bartering. It’s a festival of confusion and angst. Folks loathe the idea of giving their service in trade. At the same time, they love the idea of getting services from someone else in trade.  It’s definitely one of the […]

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Find the idea

Is your business idea just out of reach?

I hear this all the time from would-be entrepreneurs: “How do I figure out what business I should start!?” For years, I’ve helped amazing people find the answer to this question. I taught them how to build a business they love that allows them to live a life they love. Until today, that kind of guidance […]

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Protect yourself against these six common reasons micro-businesses fail

If you’ve ever told anyone about your plans to go into business for yourself, it’s a pretty safe bet someone has replied, in no uncertain terms, that you’re doomed to failure. Then you nod and smile and keep walking your path. As well you should. The problem is, the doomsdayers aren’t all wrong. Self-employed, freelancers and […]

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Broken Light

How to get great ideas in two simple steps

Ideas, ideas everywhere and not a thought to think. Lately, it seems like everyone’s talking about having too many ideas and not enough time to implement all of them. Some say that creativity and innovation are having a revival. Maybe you’re feeling like you weren’t invited to this party. What if you’re having the opposite […]

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Your Not-a-Business-Plan “Plan” for your Business

The good news: If you’re starting a business with your own green, you don’t need a fancy schmanzy business plan. The bad other news: I know you’re a rebel & a non-conformist, but if you want this thing to happen, you still need a freakin’ plan! What you should know about business plans In Part […]

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